14 September 2008


From the annoying little brat who irritates the hell outta me with every spare moment of her life to the irritant who shares the room with me, nevertheless irritating me all the same like in that of her younger years to an elegant and talented young lady (though still pesky).

A first outta the two years of hers at NAFA that I threw aside all procastination of mine and caught a play of hers...finally and I'm glad I did. Work was crappy, had a really bad day and the play wasn't my top priority yet the last thing I wanted was to disappoint her... with the much preparation and efforts put into it. I saw a different side of her which I've probably turned a blind eye to all these years and clearly she enjoyed herself, being the "drama-mama" she is she's proven her course to be well suited for her maybe cause... indian blood mahhhhh runs in the blood dei the drama-mamaness LOL! **Not being racist hor.. how to be when we ourselves are part of the race.."white indians" or rather "yellow indians" for that matter *grins* **

And I do miss a classmate of hers.. Fortu.. who has grown on me despite that short period she stayed over, a pot of rainbow overflowing with cheery-ness.

And I finally saw my darling son-in-law Jodan. Anna was right.. he has that downright mischievous look in his eyes YET at the same time enticing you to pick him up and cuddle him.. dogs have this ability that disallows you to stay pissed with them for long.. a very useful trait indeed, now.... if only that were applicable to us humans :)

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