05 October 2008


Caught the movie for the second time and have been listening to the soundtrack for the past 2 weeks yet still not sick of it :D Crazyness but I still can't get over it.

The bf and I finally having *ehem* matching phones lol cliche yes I know. My alternative to the iPhone.... Ominia. Still........ TRYING to get used to using it.. am getting so annoyed that I keep switching it back to the previous one.

Anna brought her darling Jodan on wed.. wasn't as fruitful as we imagine but a start at least?

Jodan - curious.. very curious of his surroundings and the two four legged females
Hazel - curious of Jodan yet seemingly fearful, maintaining a fierce outlook
Pebbles - interested yet laid back

Brought him over again on Sat.. both the prospective 'parents-in-law' anna and brandon came. *Touched* LOL! Situation seemed alittle better... I think? Bratty Hazel and demure Pebbles? Pebbles always being the one to be fawned over.. her quiet and gentle nature perhaps?

Anna : We should hang out this way more often...... we can keep Aloy and Brandon occupied with each other, gossip like old school days and Jodan can have a choice of his preferred female :D

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