Pissed yet again.. since when am I never? LOL! Gotta start learning the how to(s) of curbing my nasty temper.. read some horoscope mambo jumbo from a book dad got me.. says my personality is one of both a nice and mean person meaning my mood's pretty unpredictable and of course the other stuff they have written in the book.. I gotta say I find it true to a certain extend but then again.. maybe its just some psychological stuff that tricks you into believing it.. arrrhhhh whatever.. the temper part's true.. I need anger management classes!
Wanted to get piccies of Jesny's little princess printed for godma earlier.. she has been requesting of 'em since last week and I've been forgetting. Brought the memory card out just to get this done.. I've putting her off for far too long.. tsk. Slotted the card into the machine.. BUT into the wrong slot and the poor card was stuck at some corner.. it slipped off my fingers I swear.. but.. I wouldn't deny my stupidity either.. naturally what came next would be to request for help from the staff.. I was so close to attempting to shake the damn machine actually.. well I was desperate. Instead came a lame reply, "Sorry you gotta wait for the technican to come.. leave your contact number and I will call you" and so I did. Asked the estimated date and she answered " I do not know, I'll call you when he comes to service it" like is she even sincere about helping me? Sure I do know it was my fault but I am afterall your customer and who knows when he'll come? I'm positive they don't service the machines every now and then.. probably once every couple of months. Hubs suggested taping scotchtape onto a ruler to get the card out however the staff refused to do so giving all sorta excuses like "no la confirm can't find one la" and when we persisted she took a pair of tweezers.. stupid dumb fuck really.. how could the tweezers fit into the tiny little slot... the dumb ass however attempted to do so and succeeded.. in pushing my card further in.. like THANKS! I "needed" that and she had the cheek to tell me, she couldn't get it out and that they were not able to do anything.. like did you even listen to our suggestion? Oh.. yeah.. sorry.. english was probably too profound for you. Called the techie up on my own and he came down.. felt bad but..it IS his job afterall.. removed the covers and all and retrieved my precious little card and what I got from the lady in return was "I'll call you up to inform you of the charges for calling the technician down" WHOAAAAA...wait a minute.. what has the payment gotta do with me when its firstly your stupid machine and secondly your dumb staff who pushed the card in did I also mention I overheard her telling the guy that the card slot of the machine was spoilt? And mind you it was like a bloody $120.. sorry lady its your responsibilty to maintain the machine and there are certain things you gotta be responsible for in a business.. simple business ettiques. Likewise when I worked for my uncle in his maid agency 3 years back.. we took responsibilty for the maids that we provide.. e.g if the maid were to steal from her employers and perhaps the employers were nice enough not to report the matter to the police but to us.. the repatriation fees would be borne by us though its not our fault that the maid did so.. we can't judge a book by its cover can we? She may appear sweet and demure but scheming behind your back.. who is to know.. therefore someone has to take the "blame" and naturally its the one running the business.. that's something this pathetic shop has to learn.. and oh maybe she's just proud of her little supervisior position she holds.. in a job that doesn't even require qualifications.. point justified. Calling me and quoting the "maintaince payment".. sorry.. but dream on.
Whiney and bratty I may sound in this entry.. bear with bratty little me today ya? Mind's not too clear now.. who in the right state of mind blogs at 5.30am? Haha.. am probably in the "wrong" state then. :)
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